What are the changes to the RHP product certification scheme this year?

27 february 2020

The standards of the RHP quality mark for substrates are updated every year, partly based on developments in the field. Changes to the content of the RHP product certification scheme are introduced on a yearly basis. As of 1 May the new norms apply. What are the changes this year?

A list of the changes

Last year there were many substantive changes, this year the list is slightly shorter. The most important decisions of the Central Board of Experts are explained below. Certified companies need to have introduced all the current requirements from the RHP product certification scheme in their business operations and quality management system before 1 May.




The period for the validity of the analysis results has been extended for mineral wool.


  • The product packaged compost made from vegetable, fruit or garden refuse has been cancelled as a C product.
  • The list of C products has been cleaned up, a number of products have been cancelled.


De analysefrequentie voor de voedingselementen en Mn-actief is verlaagd.


Verduidelijking van de module. De eisen voor C-producten zijn verplaatst naar de modules 300, 310 en 320.


View the current scheme at My RHP

Since 1 February 2020, the updated RHP product certification scheme can be downloaded from My RHP. The table of contents (MOD 000) indicates in red which modules have been changed. The adjusted text parts in modules are also marked in red.

Do you not have a personal account for My RHP yet? As an employee of an RHP certified company you can easily create one for yourself through my.rhp.nl.

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