Quality of            
Growing Media 

RHP has been the European knowledge centre for growing media since 1963 

RHP certified substrates provide an optimal start of the culture. With the RHP quality mark you increase the security that the substrate complies with the quality requirements concerning for instance water uptake, air content, pH, EC and nutrients. It also offers more security that the substrate is clean and that it can be used without risks for the culture. The RHP quality mark monitors the quality of growing media in the chain, from raw materials production until processing and delivery at the company of the user.


RHP Certified for Horticulture coir products, peat, growing media (to: all certified products)


current NEWS ABOUT substrates, SOIl Research and workshops

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  • March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 8, 15 - training Growing Media A (Dutch)
  • March 26 - Harmonization day for auditors of the quality marks RHP and RAG
  • March 27 - RHP Online Research Update (webinar for certified companies)
  • April 2 - meeting Product Group Mineral wool
  • April 9 - meeting Product Group Fertilizers and lime
  • April 10 - meeting Product Group RAG Landscaping/Soil improvement
  • April 15 - meeting Product Group Mineral products
  • April 15 - Knowledge Day Substrate
  • April 16 - meeting Product Group Compost
  • April 16 - meeting Product Group Coir
  • May 7 - meeting Product Group Organic products
  • May 9 - meeting Product Group Peat
  • May 16 - meeting Product Group Horticulture
  • May 28 - meeting Technical Committee
  • June 5 - RHP Online Research Update (webinar for certified companies)
  • June 12 (provisional) - (Dutch) webinar on sustainability of substrates (in collaboration with Stadswerk)
  • June 16 - meeting Supervisory Board
  • June 20 - meeting Central College of Experts
  • September 29 - meeting Supervisory Board
  • October 2 - RHP Online Research Update (webinar for certified companies)
  • October 7, 14, 28 and November 4, 11, 18, 25 and December 2 - online training Growing Media A (English)
  • October 9 - (Dutch) webinar on healthy soil (in collaboration with Stadswerk)
  • November 5 - meeting Product Group Mushrooms
  • November 27 - (Dutch) webinar on properties of substrates (in collaboration with Stadswerk)
  • November 28 - meeting Technical Committee
  • December 4 - (hybrid) meeting for certified companies
  • December 10 - meeting Supervisory Board

Facts & Figures

The knowledge center for substrates in Europe

Quality 100%
PRODUCT analyses 15.145
10.500K m³

Knowledge Base

The ins and outs of substrates: from WOK to respiration and from potting reference to pH

certified products

Raw materials and end products classified per field of application

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