16 january 2023
January 13th RHP was visited by representatives of various organisations. They were introduced to the knowledge centre for substrates and the unique research that RHP does into, among other things, new growing media.
The group consisted of representatives of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Glastuinbouw Nederland, LTO Nederland, Plantum, Fresh Produce Centre, Royal FloraHolland, Growing Media Europe and Vereniging Potgrond- en Substraatfabrikanten Nederland (VPN). A number of them signed the covenant “Environmental impact potting soil and substrates” at the end of last year.
The visitors were given an explanation of renewable and circular raw materials for professional substrate production, in which safety and quality must remain paramount in order to minimise risks for growers as much as possible.
They also met some of the technical experts of RHP. These experts guide affiliated substrate producers on a daily basis with their in-depth knowledge of raw materials and growing media. They know the entire production chain inside and out. They regularly travel to production areas of various raw materials around the world, a total of approximately 430 RHP-certified locations.
The visit ended with a tour of RHP's test greenhouse and laboratory, where annually around 15,000 product analyses are carried out on no less than 10,000,000 m3 of certified product.