1 february 2022
RHP, the knowledge centre and quality mark for substrates, is working hard on research and development of standards for new substrate raw materials. Two new raw materials for growing media can now be certified: acrotelm and composted bark. The raw materials can now receive the RHP quality mark, if they demonstrably meet all quality requirements.
Acrotelm and composted bark are new raw materials that can be used in growing media and potting soils. In case of RHP certification, these are so-called A products, so with demonstrable controlled safety and quality in the entire chain from raw material extraction up to and including processing in a substrate for the grower. Therefore two new modules have been added to the RHP product certification scheme, in which all quality mark standards for acrotelm and composted bark are described in detail.
With extensive research into the properties of new raw materials and their interactions in a mixture, RHP wants to contribute to the raw materials transition in the sector. RHP shares knowledge with affiliated RHP-certified companies. Acrotelm and composted bark that meet the developed quality mark standards can be safely applied in growing media within the RHP quality mark. The RHP quality mark offers the most security as possible to ensure that the raw materials and growing media can be used without risks for the culture.
Companies interested in certification of acrotelm and/or composted bark can contact RHP for more information.