3 march 2023
RHP plays a role in the project ‘Availability potting soil constituents 2030’. The reason for this project is the Dutch covenant ‘Environmental impact potting soil and substrates’, signed last November. Together with all covenant parties, there was a joint kick-off meeting for the project on February 2nd.
The project is led by Wageningen University and Research, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The project runs until the end of this year and will form the basis for the agreements that will be made for the substrate sector in The Netherlands for 2030. These goals for the professional market must be further established, as described in the covenant.
The goal of the project is to provide reliable estimates of:
a. the current volumes of raw materials used and the technically possible increase in use until the end of 2030
b. the possible use as raw material and available volumes of the renewable raw materials that can already play a role in the period up to the end of 2030.
Wageningen University and Research is leading the independent research into the future availability and possibilities of renewable raw materials in the substrate sector. In order to achieve a widely supported research, all covenant parties are heard and involved in collecting the information and estimates.
As the knowledge center for substrates, RHP has been asked to provide technical expertise for this project. RHP, for example, will give an initial technical review of the potentially new materials. In addition to what is already available in terms of raw materials, we also look at flows that are not yet in use and can only be made suitable after a certain process.
It is expected that a report will be published by the end of 2023 containing, among other things, an independent substantiation of the percentages of renewable raw materials achievable in 2030.