New members in the Supervisory Board

5 july 2024

There have been some changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board this year. Daphne Bronkhorst joined the Supervisory Board on January 1. She succeeded Henri van Beerendonk, who said goodbye at the end of 2023. In June, also Piet Kuivenhoven became a member. He filled the vacancy, which means that the Supervisory Board is now back at full strength.


The composition of the Supervisory Board now consists of: Bernard Koeckhoven (chairman) and members Jaco Dijkshoorn (Kekkilä-BVB), Ronald Grootscholten (Florpartners), Daphne Bronkhorst (Klasmann-Deilmann) and Piet Kuivenhoven (grower in Poeldijk, The Netherlands).

Role of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is the supervisory body of foundation RHP. The Supervisory Board consists of persons who feel involved with growing media from their position or personal affinity. They represent substrate producers (certified companies), users and the chain. The Supervisory Board meets every quarter, together with the management of RHP.

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