30 april 2021
RHP has a new colleague: Liesette van Schie. She started April 1st as Coordinator Certification.
“After my higher professional education I started as an analyst in a laboratory. After a few years, I became a quality manager and managed the quality management system and the associated accreditation, certifications, recognitions and permits, ”Liesette explains about her previous work experience.
As a Coordinator Certification at RHP, Liesette manages the Product Certification Schemes of the quality marks RHP and RAG. She organises the meetings of the Product Groups, Technical Committee (TC) and Board of Experts (CCvD), during which she also takes minutes. She also assesses the analysis results in the Minerva database. Liesette is from now on the contact person for the certification bodies and the Dutch Accreditation Council.
Liesette: “RHP-certified companies can contact me with questions about the Product Certification Scheme. They can also submit topics to me to discuss in the Product Groups, TC and CCvD. And certification bodies can do this before the auditor's day. I look forward to working with you, quickly and accurately!”