Have 10 percent product samples for quality mark inspection taken by external parties

7 june 2024

For the quality marks RHP and RAG, certified companies have to send product samples of their certified raw materials and growing media to RHP or an accredited laboratory. The basis of the RHP system is the control of the processes. Random sampling and analysis are carried out to determine whether the processes are sufficiently controlled. 10 percent of the product samples must be taken by an independent, external party.

So the companies largely take their own samples for inspection of their certified products. But a percentage of them may not be taken by someone from their own company. 10 percent must be taken by an independent, external party. This is one of the Certification Bodies (MPS-ECAS or Kiwa) or a laboratory acknowledged by RHP.

Quality mark requirements for sampling

Module 100 of the product certification schemes contains the quality mark requirements for sampling. How often a certified product must be inspected and which analyses are required are described per product in this module, which can be found at My RHP.

RHP afgifte productmonsters schuur 's-Gravenzande NL

Sampling instruction

How to take a product sample is shown in this instruction video that explains sampling step by step. Never pack samples in garbage bags! The recycled plastic of these can affect the sample. It is also advised to wear gloves during sampling due to the possible presence of human pathogens on/in the product to be sampled. Read more about points of notice when sending in samples.

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