Going live of online registration module Hermes

20 december 2024

In mid-October, a group of six certified companies started registering their product samples online in the new Hermes system. The remaining certified companies will be notified in early 2025 to make the switch to Hermes, with which RHP will say goodbye to the paper registration forms.

The Hermes system has been developed to fully switch to online registration of product samples. Because the data is no longer entered manually by the laboratories, this significantly reduces the risk of errors. In addition, Hermes offers users the possibility to keep track of the number of registered samples and the requested analysis packages.

First six companies

On October 17, an introductory meeting took place at RHP for six certified companies where an explanation was given about how Hermes works, how it interacts with Minerva (the database for the assessment of analysis results), the connection with external laboratories and the functionalities and benefits for users. Afterwards, the six companies were given access to Hermes and were the first to use the online registration module.

First experiences

The first experiences of these companies with Hermes are mostly positive. Nevertheless, there was still room for improvement. In close consultation between RHP, the first users and Normec-GAC (as an affiliated laboratory), these points for improvement are being addressed before the go-live of Hermes.

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