Gerard Schouw new chairman of Dutch Covenant Environmental Impact Growing Media 

7 march 2025

Gerard Schouw is the new chairman of the Dutch covenant Environmental Impact of Potting Soil and Substrates. This covenant was signed in 2022 by fifteen parties, including government, businesses, scientific institutions, and NGOs. The aim of the covenant is to make growing media more sustainable for the professional culture of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and plants, and potting soil for the consumer market. 

Potting soil and substrates form the foundation for an efficient and sustainable culture. Therefore, they are widely used in the professional culture of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and plants, as well as by consumers. Potting soil and substrates contain raw materials with environmental impact, for example peat. This is why the fifteen parties established the covenant, setting agreements on making growing media more sustainable.

As part of the covenant, Wageningen University & Research conducted an extensive study on the availability of renewable raw materials for growing media in 2030. To further develop this study, the 'Roadmap and Opportunities Map for Renewable Raw Materials in Growing Media' was recently launched. This map provides an overview of what is needed in terms of research, collaboration, and communication to safely accelerate the transition.

Experienced leader with sector knowledge  

Gerard Schouw is an experienced leader. He previously served as the parliamentary group leader of D66 in the Dutch 'Eerste Kamer' and was also a member of the 'Tweede Kamer' on behalf of the party. Additionally, he has held various leadership roles, including chairman of the Advisory Board of 'Raad voor Rechtsbijstand' (Legal Aid Council), alderman in Dordrecht, and director of 'Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen' (Association for Innovative Medicines). Schouw also serves as an ambassador for the Dutch region Drechtsteden at Smart Delta.

Schouw on his appointment: “I was born in the Dutch region Westland and originally wanted to become a farmer. Because of this, I understand how important potting soil and substrates are for growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, and plants. The  covenant can be seen as a public-private agreement to collectively make the production of these growing media more sustainable. It is quite a special collaboration, and one we can be proud of, as the covenant partners are truly making an environmental impact through their joint approach.”

Unifying leader  

The covenant partners welcome the appointment of Gerard Schouw as chairman. He is a unifying leader with extensive knowledge of the horticultural sector and broad experience in fostering collaboration between businesses and government. Gerard Schouw will help the covenant maintain a steady course and achieve the necessary results.

Gerard Schouw was officially appointed as chairman of the Dutch covenant Environmental Impact of Potting Soil and Substrates on March 1, 2025. He succeeds Arne Weverling, who was appointed as a provincial executive for South Holland last year.

The covenant partners are: the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature, the Dutch Ministry of Climate and Green Growth, Vereniging Potgrond- en Substraatfabrikanten Nederland,LTO Nederland, Glastuinbouw Nederland, Plantum NL, Tuinbranche Nederland, Branchevereniging voor Organische Reststoffen, Vereniging van Groothandelaren in Bloemkwekerijproducten, Vereniging van Bloemenveilingen, Nederlandse Fruittelers Organisatie, Stichting RHP, Stichting RPP en Stichting Turfvrij.

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