Did you miss RHP Online Research Update June 6? Watch webinar on demand!

7 june 2024

RHP periodically shares with certified companies, for example through the RHP Online Research Update, what the research team has been working on recently. Were you unable to participate live in the webinar June 6? Watch this and all previous webinars on demand.

In order to support certified companies in a successful transition to growing media with renewable raw materials, Hans Verhagen gave an update on research on packaged potting soils (oxygen measurement technique and first experiences), the experiences from the practical pilot composing mixtures and the points of attention for new potential raw materials.

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Did you miss this live webinar or would like to watch it again? Certified companies can watch all previous RHP webinars of the past years on demand. To do so, go to My RHP and find the links in the RHP Toolbox. You can also download the handouts of the presentations at RHP presentations on My RHP.

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