Course program 2018-2019

25 september 2018

With a range of planned (international) in-company courses RHP has a full course agenda for the coming winter season 2018-2019. For individual registration, RHP has planned the courses Growing Media A and B in Dutch in November and December 2018 and January 2019. Sign up soon!

Growing Media A

Duration: 6 Friday mornings
Dates: 30 November, 7, 14 and 21 December 2018, 11 and 18 January 2019
Location: RHP, Galgeweg 38 in 's-Gravenzande (NL)
Language: Dutch
Cost per participant: 695 euro

Growing Media B

Duration: 5 Thursday afternoons and 1 Tuesday afternoon
Dates: 29 November, 4, 13 and 20 December 2018, 10 and 17 January 2019
Location: RHP, Galgeweg 38 in 's-Gravenzande (NL)
Language: Dutch
Cost per participant: 795 euro

For whom?

Only Dutch speaking employees of RHP certified companies can participate in these RHP courses based on individual registration. Only with enough animo the courses will continue. Confirmation for a course is based on the order of registration. Sign up now, full is full.

Sign up?

Do you want to participate in the Dutch speaking Growing Media A or Growing Media B course? Please sign up quickly by sending an e-mail to and please indicate your name, company name, telephone number, email address and for which course you want to sign up.

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