What has changed in the RHP product certification scheme?
Certified companies can download the updated RHP product certification scheme at My RHP. The new standards will come into effect on 1 May 2025.
RHP certified substrates provide an optimal start of the culture. With the RHP quality mark you increase the security that the substrate complies with the quality requirements concerning for instance water uptake, air content, pH, EC and nutrients. It also offers more security that the substrate is clean and that it can be used without risks for the culture. The RHP quality mark monitors the quality of growing media in the chain, from raw materials production until processing and delivery at the company of the user.
RHP Certified for Horticulture coir products, peat, growing media (to: all certified products)
current NEWS ABOUT substrates, SOIl Research and workshops
The knowledge center for substrates in Europe
The ins and outs of substrates: from WOK to respiration and from potting reference to pH
On specific topics related to potting soil and growing media.
Focus points of acting with new growing media.
What is their function and effect?
Insight in the many interactions.
8 factors determine the pH in the culture. How do you influence them?
Also safe packing material for export of flowerbulbs.
Testing the plant safety with test crops.
Insight in the density of the soil caused by potting.
Insight in the stability of an organic raw material.
Insight in water uptake velocity of growing media.
Raw materials and end products classified per field of application